Tag Archives: #balashi

Balashi Beer and other beers in Aruba

Besides the regular assortment of beers you can find almost anywhere in the world, here are some that you can find specifically in Aruba.

Balashi is the local Aruban beer, named after an area on the island called Balashi where the Brewery is currently located. In the 19th century, the Aruban gold mining companies were also located in the Balashi area. The name Balashi originated from the words Bala Bala from the Aruac (Arawak) Indian language and means ‘near the sea’.

Balashi Chill – In 2011 the Balashi Brewery decided that it was time to add another beer to the assortment. This beer was aptly named Balashi Chill, reflecting the ‘chill’ lifestyle in Aruba. Balashi Chill’s smooth, light taste and subtle aroma is complimented by adding a lime when serving the product; similar to Corona.

Polar1 operates as Venezuela’s largest private industrial conglomerate and beer accounts for over half of company sales; established in 1941, subsidiary Cerveceria Polar is the 17th largest beer company in the world.

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